Here are some family photos of "Evo's" ancestors Lines: Elaridge, Spotnik & Gwynmor Thank you to Rita & Lew Stokes, Helle Hoie, also Rhys & Annemiek Morgans I received so many fantastic pictures that I have done a "part 2" Please also do check out their own websites on my links page
Elaridge Sherry Pepper
Pepper is Evo's mum. Her parents are:- Gwynmor Quality Label x Ch Elaridge Nutmeg
Int CH Bell-A-Mir's Elegant Envoy
Zacco is Evo's dad. His parents are:- Ch Spotnik's Viking Victory x Classy Cleopatra
more photos of Zacco in part 2
Zacco won DCC at Crufts 2007 and RDCC at BDC Champ Show 2007
to add to his many awards
Zacco is Top Dalmatian in Norway 2007 and Sweden 2008.
Also Number 8 of all breeds at the NKK "Bamselisten"
Plus World BOB Winner twice
Also gained his International Title so he is now
INT N DK FIN NORDIC S PL CR B-H ENG CH BDJSG-05 NORDICW-06-08 WW-06,-08 PLW-06 NW-06,-07,-08 SW-06,-08 ECDCW-07 EURW-07 CRW-07 BDSG-07 KBHW-08 Bell-A-MirĀ“s Elegant Envoy
Well Done to Zacco and Helle
August 2008 Zacco got his 3rd CC in the UK gaining his UK title
More photos of Zacco on the next pages and Evo Ancestors page 2
Ch Elaridge Nutmeg
Nutmeg is Evo's grandparent. Her parents are:- Almarria Scorched Earth x Elaridge Masquerade
Gwynmor Quality Label
Quinto is Evo's grandparent. His parents are:- Ch Spotnik's Special Selection x Ch Gwynmor Lots of Love
Ch Spotnik's Viking Victory
Vic is Evo's grandparent. His parents are:- Ch Spotnik's Special Selection x Ch Perdita's Kiss Me Better
Bell-A-Mir's Classy Cleopatra
She is Evo's grandparent. Her parents are:- Ch Rocca Ai Mare Congregare x Bell-A-Mir's Babuska
Multi Ch Spotnik's Special Selection
Selwyn is Evo's great grandparent on both sides of the pedigree. His parents are:- Ch Spotnik's Quick Quackery x Ch Spotnik's Milkmaid more photos of Selwyn in part 2
Selwyn won the RDCC at Crufts 2007 to add to his many awards.
The first 'non UK resident' Dalmatian ever to win a CC + BOB at CRUFTS 2002
Plus Top Winning Dalmatian 2002
The first 'non UK resident' Dalmatian ever to gain the title of BRITISH CHAMPION
July 2008
Selwyn has sired 34 Champions
Plus BIS-Winner at 17 Club Shows in 8 different Countries
More photos of Zacco on the next pages and Evo Ancestors page 2